Important Alerts

Preventive Detention Laws and the Role of the Advisory Board
In India, preventive detention laws confer upon authorities the power to detain individuals without trial for a specified duration if they are perceived as posing a threat to public order, national security, or the continuity of essential services. These laws are meticulously crafted to deter individuals from engaging in specific offenses or behaviours that could undermine the stability of the state or society. The primary objective of preventive detention is to proactively address potential threats to public safety before they escalate into tangible harm.
However, it is paramount to ensure that the enforcement of such laws adheres meticulously to constitutional principles, including those enshrined in Articles 21 and 22 of the Indian Constitution. This entails conducting detentions with strict adherence to due process, respecting the rights of the individuals detained, and subjecting the decision to detain to independent scrutiny by judicial or advisory bodies. By upholding constitutional safeguards, authorities can effectively mitigate the risk of abusing power and uphold the fundamental rights of individuals subjected to preventive detention.

Shri. Pinarayi VijayanHon'ble Chief Minister

Justice P.Ubaid (Retd. High Court Judge)
Hon'ble Chairman
Hon'ble Chairman

Shri. Mohammad VaseemHon'ble Member

Shri. P.N. SukumaranHon'ble Member
Our Services
Our Services
Reviewing Cases
The Advisory Board conducts periodic reviews of the cases of detainees to ensure that their detention remains justified based on the current circumstances.
The Advisory Board submits regular reports to the state government regarding its activities and recommendations.
Making Recommendations
Based on its review, the Advisory Board makes recommendations to the state government regarding the continuation or release of the detenu.
Legal Guidance
The Advisory Board provides legal guidance and advice to the state government on matters related to the KAAPA Act and its implementation.
Periodic Reviews
The Advisory Board conducts periodic reviews of the cases of detainees to ensure that their detention remain justified based on the current circumstances.
The Advisory Board provides general recommendation and amendment proposals regarding KAAPA Act.
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KAAPA is a legislation enacted by the Kerala state government to prevent anti-social activities and maintain law and order.